Tuesday 17 June 2014

Day 531: Waiting

Being a school librarian is a surprisingly mercenary profession.
At least for one week in June.

If you've ever worked as school support staff, chances are that you remember the horrors of "bumping week". But for the uninitiated, it goes like this:

1. The government cuts positions.
2. The people whose positions have been cut choose new ones, or "bump" in order of seniority.
3. The people who get "bumped" bump somebody else.
4. And so on and so forth...

Until it gets down to me.
One and a half years of seniority.
Three available positions to "bump" into.

(If they're not already gone.)

Two out of the three positions have only two thirds of the hours I currently work.
The other has less than half.

While I love my job and enjoy meeting new peeps every year, it sucks to be laid off each June and spend the summer waiting and wondering whether or not I "did the right thing" by leaving my permanent, full-time teaching job at the private school.

Needless to say, I have been glued to my phone all day.
My heart leapt into my throat when it rang at lunch, only to hear that "...as a preferred WestJet customer, you have been selected to..."

(I hung up after that because I live an incredibly boring life and have not actually flown anywhere in the last decade.)

But sometimes, phones ring with good news when you're expecting bad.

Just after school, I received a text.
A happy one.

After being on display for less than a week, my painting has sold.
To someone who lives in BC.
For $425.

Could I paint another one for the auction?

"Who Has Seen the Wind?"

To say that I am absurdly excited is an understatement.

And so,
while it's still bumping week,
and while I might get a call tomorrow that cuts my September salary in half,
or tells me that I have no job to go back to,

I am reminded that just six days from now,
I will be sitting down at my kitchen table and beginning the first day of two beautiful months
as a full-time artist and author.

May the Force be with us all.


Dave is smiling, too.
But only because he just caught and ate a fly.

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