Sunday 8 December 2013

Day 339: Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

Infinity scarves were actually created as storage facilities for chocolate kisses (and other candy) so you can keep your sugar close while still looking incredibly fabulous.

When you're too embarrassed to wear ankle pants, it's time to shave your legs.

Changing your text message notification sound to the Despicable Me minions saying "bottom" and then laughing hysterically will make you giggle at random times throughout the day. It is not, however, recommended that you leave your phone volume on high while working in a library.

Do not purchase a Newfoundland dog if you don't want to be greeted enthusiastically every morning by a hairy 130 lb beast with the mental capacity of a toddler and globs of drool stretching from its mouth down to its knees.

Cats were invented by the furniture industry in order to ensure maximum wear and tear of their products – keeping you coming back to buy new couches more often without laying any of the blame on them for shoddy merchandise.

NEVER buy white chocolate Toblerone bars. They have an incredibly short shelf life. Even at the back of your freezer where they "should" be forgotten. ;)


In art & writing news, in the months of January and February, I will be teaching art 3x a week (and doing some math tutoring). I'm continuing to write a monthly review for Thriving Family Magazine, and I'm starting (for the 50 millionth time) to get some writing done for a book.

But the best way to kill an unwritten book is to talk about it.
So (in my best Madagascar penguins voice), "You didn't see anything."

Also, if you are reading this sentence, thank you. The 1000 Days blog cracked 3000 all-time views last week, and I got my first comment from someone I didn't know (on the Nine Newfies blog, which is approaching 6000 views, despite my not adding anything to it for months).

That is, my first comment other than YouTube comments.

My favorite so far is from someone who wrote this gem on my hedgehog video: "awwww the wittle nose! and omg thise [sic] spikes look dangerous… but omg sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff! [heart] so cute"

I didn't have the heart to tell them that Mr. Huffy passed away several months ago after a lingering illness.

:( RIP Mr. Huffy.


Feel free to add your random thoughts in the comments section!

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