Tuesday 25 June 2013

Day 173: On Employment

Last summer, I searched for a job. For two months, I watched websites like a hawk, applied to everything I was even remotely qualified for, and tailored resumes and cover letters to match each specific job description.

I got nothing. A few smattered interviews, some better than others, but in the end ... nothing worked out.

Finally, just before I received my last paycheck from DPCS, I got a job making sandwiches at a deli.

It was better than nothing, and I took it the way a starving man might take a plate full of lima beans. Sorta like "AWESOME, I'M NOT GONNA DIE!" and "BLEACGHHH, DO I REALLY HAVE TO EAT THIS CRAP?!" all at the same time. It turned out to be a lot of fun ... great people, good pay, free food ... but when I was offered the library worker position at NMES, I accepted immediately.

And then got laid off.

This summer, I began searching for a job ... again. I started yesterday, to be precise. Amidst hunting for elusive ROE's that still have yet to be found and cleaning dog hair off carpets and out of crevices, I made time to send off no less than 15 applications. I didn't tailor much of anything, but whipped them out between emptying drawers and changing loads of laundry.

But today, two of them panned out. At least so far.
Because life can change at any minute, you know ... ;)

First, I'll be delivering papers for the Gleaner ... a long route in Marysville that will net me more in one month than writing does in six. I'll be getting some much-needed exercise and will still have evenings and weekends free to spend with Nate. If I stick with it, I will also earn some extra $$$ to take a few French courses at the university next fall. Of course, I am not much of a morning person ... do they make water backpacks that you can put coffee in???

Second, I'll be painting/cleaning classrooms at FHS with Spruce Grove Building Cleaners. It's full-time, days only, well above minimum wage, and should last right into August! More exercise for me, and weekends and evenings still free.

In the end, I'll actually be making more than I make during the school year, which is great since we are moving upstairs in less than a week.

Happy, happy, happy!
(In the best possible way.)

Of course, everything could be different tomorrow. But I will enjoy today's blessings with a smile. I will keep drawing, keep writing, keep trusting.

827 days to go.

1 comment:

  1. Karen Corriveau25 June 2013 at 15:56

    That's great, Lisa! Happy for you! And perhaps by the fall the Lord will provide you with something more permanent!
